I went to Kolkata from Delhi to attend the reception at Satyajit Roy Park, Patuli- Baishnabghata township on EM bypass. All family members may like to join me in wishing the couple a very happy and long conjugal ife.
Both of them are in service and posted at Hyderabad.
Both of them are in service and posted at Hyderabad.
Now I request both Priyabroto and Indrani to introduce themselves on this website , telling us about their career, aspirations,etc.
Six months ago, in November 2008 , the wedding creremony of Promit and Riya was held in Kolkata. Promit is the only son of Phalguni (Khoka), grandson of late Prahlad Chandra ( A/129 Bagha Jatin Palli). All family members may like to join me in wishing the couple a very happy and long conjugal life. Both of them are in service and posted at Pune.
Here I request Riya and Promit to irtroduce themselves to all of us over this website talking about their career,aspirations,etc.
NB. I may be excused for not-so-good quality of photos which I have transferred from my mobile phone. The top one was taken live whereas the bottomone from a printed photo. Pl. send me good photographs via e-mail : prosanto.bhattacharyya@gmail.com